About Me
I live and do my writing in Derby, in the UK. I'm inspired to write light, warm adventure stories which don't take themselves too seriously. My inspiration comes from those around me and those that find my stories amusing.
I've been writing books since 2006, when I started my first novel 'Tech War' whilst I was studying creative writing at the University of Derby. This novel led into a further two books (maybe more are to come...?) forming the Escape from Earth Zero series. This series is about the battle for power between the AI/Thal alliance and the two other groups fighting for power: the Vivas (Tech Revivalists) and the Tech Terrorists and (AKA the Double Ts). They're all trying to
determine who controls Earth Zero, the origin planet of the human race. My other science fiction writing (see the
short stories I write here) are about augmented or ‘chipped’ people who want to free themselves from technology by becoming ‘dechipped’ ('Analogs') and about AI gadgets or ‘gizmos’ which evolve into fully sensory beings ('Hurray for Gizmo').
Outside of writing and creative endeavours I'm a committed Christian and an academic with an interest in the posthuman writers of the future.
Academic papers:
Mart, Christopher, 2023,
Posthuman Creative Styling: Can a Creative Writer's Style of Writing be Described as Procedural?
, De Montfort University.
Mart, Christopher, 2024, 'Posthuman Creative Styling', 27th Annual Great Writing International Creative Writing Conference, University College London, Bloomsbury, London.