Week 6 - 'Handling Emotions Well'
How Should I Handle Emotions?
1. Reacting Like Peter
How should I handle emotions,
See Peter and how he reacts?
When Jesus said 'I'll be tortured'
Peter mistook words for the facts
He balked, so suddenly angry,
Emotions took hold of his thoughts,
Jesus said 'Get from me Satan,' '
Your worries are all from your doubts'
Quick fire emotions, reactive,
Like Peter's with no God in mind
Can't be the same as the Saviour's
Who didn't let steam steer his life
Matthew 16:21-23
When Peter, James and brother John,
Ascended the mountain and saw,
Jesus who was there transfigured,
And shone in the sun like a star,
Peter was too quick to decide,
His action showed up his mistake,
He said, on seeing three figures,
Three shelters for them I will make
But God declared loudly 'Listen!'
'See Jesus and you see my son,'
I should pay equal attention,
And notice when my actions run
Matthew 17:1-5
Things in the Bible have value,
Like the tale of Jesus' arrest
There, in the place of betrayal
Peter's rage was put to the test
It was Peter who reacted,
Cutting the ear off the guard,
But when Jesus saw his action,
Was told to stand down by the Lord
In some way I am like Peter,
Too quick to flame up and attack,
Then Jesus calls to correct me,
He says 'I always have your back'
John 18:1-5, 7-11
2. Jesus Sees My Potential
Jesus saw Peter's potential,
When he said 'Peter you are blessed',
He's now the rock that I stand on,
Whenever in church I take rest
Here is a lesson for feelings,
The keys to the kingdom are found,
In ways things are bound in action,
The same ways in heaven are bound
Feelings vent in frustration,
Give actions let loose on the world,
Then in the place that's called heaven,
There echoes the notes here unfurled
Matthew 16:17-19
3. Empowered by the Holy Sprit
How should I handle emotion,
And discover the kingdom's key?
I can recall Peter's example,
When he spoke so passionately
The Jews and those in the city,
Looked up when Peter addressed them,
As the last days of Earth approached,
He told them of visions to come:
'All should cry out the name 'Jesus'
The signs and the wonders you've seen,
His name will bring you all rescue,
He died and was raised purposely'
This is the place for emotion,
Put passion where it has a name,
Say 'Jesus' and really mean it,
Peter pleaded I do the same
Repenting of sins, be thankful,
Obey and hear Peter's strong pleas
Take time and slow down action,
So I can be glad and at ease.
Acts 2:14-41