Freedom in Christ Week 5 - 'The Battle for our Minds'

Meditations on Satan

1. The Battle is Real

Which voice is it I hear?
Who authors every dream?
The devil speaks in wisps,
God knows what it all means

Satan's stage is empty,
He tempts to see me bite,
His frights will never scare,
No lies can blind my sight

Matthew 28:18

2. Satan the Deceiver

Satan tries to fool me
That Jesus isn't here,
But I sing His praises
And worries disappear

For I have every blessing,
Before the world began,
He chose me and adores me,
I'm His adopted son

Satan says I'm guilty
But doesn't have a say,
In God's eyes I'm blameless,
His pleasure gave away

The lies that Satan spreads,
Can't taint the blood of Christ,
From which I was redeemed
In grace all things are bright

Battling over my mind,
It was my destiny,
That all would be made clear
In His great victory

The devil never prospers,
In time it is revealed,
With clarity I'm certain
Christ's death and rise were real

There is no more deception,
No that I'm in Christ,
I sit within his body,
The gospel sets me right

The devils says I'm fated,
But I've eternal life,
The Holy Spirit marks me
In trouble and in strife

I praise the grace He gave,
Through He that God did love,
Satan spoils forgiveness
And chokes on Christ's red blood


Ephesians 1:3-14


3. How Satan Works

God raised me to His seat,
In lofty heavenly realms,
The devil works to thwart,
Can't stop the grace He helms

Evil work is bitter,
Grace gathers opposite,
No chaos where He thrives
A peace my mind finds fit

The gift He gladly gave
The devil cannot have,
Why wrestle and be proud,
When playing I can laugh?

God made me by design
The path to Him was carved,
All works forever good
Satan can't understand

 Ephesians 2:6-10

4. My Defence


Once dead, the flesh alive,
I ran at Satan's call,
Poisoning every scene,
Till God helped break my fall

Christ forgave all my sins,
Debts which the law condemned,
Cancelled from the ledger
The cross is where they end

To defend against Satan
I trace streams to their source,
All powers are disarmed,
As was seen at the cross

Colossians 2:13-15