1 |
Why should I say 'I can’t',
when the Bible proclaims:
through Christ all things can be
His strength will find the ways?
[Philippians 4:13]
2 |
Can't worry about my needs
God can care for them,
According to His riches
in glory in Christ, Amen
[Philippians 4:19]
3 |
Can't lead a life of fear,
No fearing spirit He finds,
Can have instead a power
of love and soundest mind
[2 Timothy 1:7]
4 |
Can't ever lack the faith
to let Christ live through me
For God can give a measure
of faith eternally
[Romans 12:3]
5 |
Why should I be weak?
the Lord will be my rod,
A strength which I can action,
because of knowing God
[Psalm 27:1, Daniel 11:32]
6 |
Can't let the one called 'Satan',
decide how things unfurl,
Can trust that He is greater
than he that's in the world
[1 John 4:4]
7 |
Why accept defeat when
the Word says we can win?
God leads us as captives
triumphantly with Him
[2 Corinthians 2:14]
8 |
Why should I lack wisdom
when Christ can be to me,
the source of all my wisdom
which God gives generously?
[1 Corinthians 1:30, [James 1:5]
9 |
Why suffer with depression,
when I can call to mind
God’s love and kind compassion,
whose faithful hope is mine?
[Lamentations 3:21-23]
10 |
Why worry and be upset,
when I can let my worry go?
On Christ is where they're cast
He cares for me, I know
[1 Peter 5:7]
11 |
Why should I be in bondage,
knowing that my reward
can liberate me freely
in the Spirit of the Lord?
[2 Corinthians 3:17,Galatians 5:1]
12 |
I shouldn't feel condemned,
the Bible says because,
can be no condemnation
for those in Christ Jesus
[Romans 8:1]
13 |
Why should I feel alone,
when Jesus is my guide?
can always have His company,
to Him my fortune's tied
[Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5]
14 |
I shouldn't feel I’m cursed
or the victim of bad times,
Christ can cure my curses,
By faith his Spirit comes
[Galatians 3:13-14]
15 |
Unhappiness in my life,
Why should it ever be?
Like Paul I can be happy,
Wherever life puts me
[Philippians 4:11]
16 |
Why should I feel unvalued
when Christ took all my sin
So I can say I'm coming
the righteousness in Him
[2 Corinthians 5:21]
17 |
Why should I feel helpless
in the presence of the rest,
God can be there for me,
so who is there against?
[Romans 8:31]
18 |
Why should I be confused,
when God can write my peace?
He gives to me all knowledge
and His Spirit lives in me
[1 Corinthians 2:12, 14:33]
19 |
Why should I feel a failure,
when I can be much more,
than any king or conqueror?
It's me who Christ adores
[Romans 8:37]
20 |
Why should I let pressure,
or life's troubles vex my brain,
when I can get my courage,
knowing Jesus overcame?
[John 16:33]