Freedom in Christ Week 1 - 'Who Am I?'
I'm learning I'm accepted…
I'm learning I'm accepted,
A child and friend of God,
Finding through His justice I'm,
United with the Lord
I'm one with Him in spirit,
Bought with a price that's paid,
He owns me and I live in,
The body He has made
I know that I've been chosen,
I've been adopted in,
Told of my sound redemption,
Forgiven for my sins
In Christ I find completion,
I know and am assured,
The throne of grace I sit on,
By Jesus Christ our Lord
I'm free from condemnation,
Secure in God's good works,
There is no separation,
From love that He imparts
Anointed, I'm established,
Sealed by Him I see,
I hide with Christ in God who,
Completes His work in me
A citizen of heaven,
My spirit never fears,
Love's power gives me reason,
No evil one is here
Significant with Jesus,
A true branch of His vines,
By channelling His life I,
Bear fruit appointed mine
I am a holy temple,
I count for peace I helm,
I'm noticed by position,
Beside His heavenly realm.
I'm made by God the workman,
I confidently sing,
With freedom I am certain,
His strength will do all things.